The Gold Bridge Project (367 km² of tenure), formerly the Little Gem Project, is located 180 km north of Vancouver in British Columbia, Canada. The Project was discovered in the 1930s by prospectors identifying a pink cobalt-bloom on weathered mineralisation that led to three adits being developed. A total of 1,268 m of drilling was completed from underground and detailed channel sampling was taken from the adits. Blackstone acquired the Gold Bridge Project in October 2017 and has since completed an extensive maiden exploration program including drilling, geochemical and geophysical surveys, with the initial results indicating potential for the project to host a world class cobalt belt in British Columbia.
Blackstone completed the 2019 field season with an extensive stream sediment, soil sampling and mapping program. During the 2018 field season Blackstone identified a number of major Copper-Gold-Cobalt targets centred on the Jewel Prospect, located 1.1 km north-northeast of the Little Gem Prospect. The soil anomalies are greater than 1.5 km long and coincide with several significant IP targets, which are indicating a large sulfide bearing body at depth. The copper, gold and cobalt soil anomalies are favourably located within a significant structural setting near the contact between the granodiorite and serpentinite.
Blackstone’s geological model for the Jewel Prospect suggests the Copper-Gold-Cobalt Prospect is favourably located within a similar geological setting to the underground mines of the world class Bou-Azzer primary cobalt district in Morocco (>50 deposits and over 75 years of cobalt production). The majority of the high grade underground primary cobalt mines at Bou-Azzer are located near the contact of the serpentinised ultramafic and the quartz diorite. The historical Jewel Mine is likewise located within close proximity to the contact of the serpentinite and granodiorite bodies.

Above: Gold Bridge Project plan showing Copper, Gold and Cobalt soil contours and IP chargeability isosurfaces
Above: Long Section schematic of chargeability isosurfaces and surface rock samples at the Jewel Copper-Gold-Cobalt Prospect.
With the discovery of Cobalt-Gold mineralisation at Erebor during the 2018 field season returning grades up to 2.3 % cobalt, 32 g/t gold, 1.6 % copper and 1.1 % nickel combined with the multiple large-scale IP anomalies indicating the potential source of the high grade mineralisation at Little Gem, Erebor, Jewel and Roxey, the company continues to unlock the potential for multiple deposits in a region with geology analogous to Bou-Azzer. Regional targets continue to be generated from the data collected through prospecting and stream sediment sampling across the entire 48 strike km of untested geology prospective for further primary cobalt and gold mineralisation. Blackstone is actively seeking joint venture partners for the Gold Bridge Project.